Adding a Vendor

Vendor information is added to the division at the Manage Vendors page. A vendor has one billing address and may have multiple ship-to addresses. A vendor must be associated with a stock receipt order or a warehouse receiving order.

How to Add a Vendor

To add a vendor to the division, please refer to the steps that follow.

  1. From the navigation pane select Manage > Vendors. The Manage Vendors page appears in the work pane.

Manage Vendors Page with Vendor List

  1. To add a vendor, select the Add icon.Add Icon
  2. The Add grid appears onscreen. It is above the page’s grid.

Manage Vendors page Add Vendor Mode

  1. Add the vendor information, including the Vendor's Company Name and main address information:

Add Vendor Information

  1. Company Name (required): Place the cursor in the Company Name field and enter the Vendor Company Name.
  2. Email (optional): Enter the vendor's email in this field.
  3. Telephone (optional): Enter the vendor's telephone number in this field.
  4. Address 1 (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the Address 1 field. Enter the first address line here.
  5. Address 2 (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the Address 2 field. Enter the second address line here. (It is often a suite number.)
  6. Address 3 (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the Address 3 field. Enter the third address line here. (It is often a mail stop number or a room number.)
  7. City (optional): Enter the city in this field.
  8. State/Province (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the State/Province field. Enter the state/province in this field.
  9. Zip/Postal Code (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the Zip/Postal code field. Enter the zip/postal code in this field.
  10. Country (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the Country field. Enter the country in this field.
  11. Account Number (optional): Press the Tab key to place the cursor in the Account Number field. Enter the vendor's account number in this field.
  12. Contact Name (optional): enter the Vendor contact name in this field.
  13. UDF 1 through UDF 4 fields (optional): enter information specific to this vendor in the UDF1 through UDF 4 fields.
  1. Save icon: To add the vendor to the system, select the Save icon in the grid.Save icon
    1. Cancel icon: To cancel adding this vendor and discard the information that has been added, click the Cancel icon.Cancel icon
  2. The field clears and the Add grid closes. The new vendor is now part of the vendor list.

Vendor list

Vendor Ship-To Information

Once the vendor is added, you are able to add vendor ship-to information for a vendor: see "Vendor Ship-To Information". A vendor's ship-to information includes additional addresses for shipping, freight billing, etc. You may add as many ship-to addresses per vendor as you need.

Editing Vendor Information

Vendor information may be updated; see "Editing a Vendor" for more information.

Deleting a Vendor

If a vendor is not associated with any orders, the vendor may be removed from IntelliTrack. To remove a vendor, see "Deleting a Vendor" for more information.